Saturday, November 1, 2008

Hacked and Hijacked

This past week Jordan's e-mail account was "hacked and hijacked". Hotmail actually calls it that- sounds so scary! Someone broke into his account and changed his password. Every time we'd try to access the e-mail account, hotmail would tell us our new password information would be sent to Jordan's account- wait, you mean the account that is being controlled by some unknown scam? The scammer then proceeded to sent fictitious e-mails to everyone on Jordan's contact list, asking for a large sum of money. And while we'd never turn down money... just kidding. Jordan had to answer a million questions from hotmail- they asked him to list everyone on his contact list with their e-mail address and all possible "Subject" headings in his InBox. Seriously, can anyone list all that without looking at their e-mail? So anyway, Jordan finally got his account back (now with a new password), but all his contacts have been erased. The whole situation is annoying, but that's it. We're thankful that it was e-mail, not bank accounts or other forms of identity. Halloween post soon to come!


Andrea said...

That is weird! I don't think I've ever heard of that before. What is the purpose of that? I swear some people are jerks and do things just to irritate and make others' lives difficult. I'm glad you got it cleared up - what a nuisance.

Anonymous said...

So CRAZY! We actually got one of the emails from your hijackers. We thought, there is NO WAY that Jordan would be asking us for money!?! We just assumed that it was somehow some weird kindof spam, but WOW - Scary!

s g said...

that is bugging!! my friend had her hotmail acct. hijacked last month, she made the mistake of having the same password for her email, paypal, and ebay. Suddenly someone in Kentucky had ordered a new MAC laptop off nightmare. glad you got it figured out.

Jonathan & Rachel said...

Yep...we sent the 2500 he asked us to to England! Not really, but we did get an email asking for the money. I actually went along with it for a while and had quite the correspondence with the criminal. So, I have the address of where they wanted the money sent...I mean seriously they must think we are a bunch of idiots...let us know if you need any more info. Glad all is well!!

Cailean said...

I'm so sorry to hear that - truly frustrating and scary too. How on earth were they able to do that?!?! Well I hope you had a Happy Halloween evenso!